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5110 Days of genuine trouble-free motoring on veg oil from 18th June 2008 to 16th June 2022 - read more

Biodiesel, Vegetable Oil & LPG Comparison

Trying to compare Biodiesel, Veg Oil and LPG is a pointless exercise in truth. Obviously both Biodiesel and Vegetable Oil can run in diesel engines, whilst LPG only runs in Petrol engines.

However, there were certain factors that I wanted to compare between fuel types when I first looked at veg oil conversion, and these are fiscal and environmental. I can't claim the following is scientifically backed with impeachable data as it's made up but myself from snippets of information I was able to glean from the internet - a not always reliable source.

So with that said, take what you will from the below:

Fuel Cost Least expensive Slightly cheaper than standard diesel Cheaper than Biodiesel
Sustainable No Yes Yes
Fossil Fuel Content Most of it A small part None
Emissions 20% of standard petrol Some, but better than LPG Few, the best of the bunch
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