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5110 Days of genuine trouble-free motoring on veg oil from 18th June 2008 to 16th June 2022 - read more

Why Convert from Diesel to Vegetable Oil?

There are a many of advantages in converting a diesel engine vehicle to run on ordinary vegetable oil instead of standard petroleum based diesel. These include:

  • Vegetable oil is renewable, can be grown almost anywhere and is relatively cheap to produce.
  • As an engine fuel, it produces less than half the emissions traditionally associated with diesels.
  • It doesn’t require nasty chemical tinkering – it’s so pure you could drink it.
  • It’s carbon neutral, so no nasty greenhouse effect drawbacks.
  • It’s biodegradable, so potential spills aren’t as hazardous.
  • It’s a natural lubricant. Many experts believe vegetable oil actually prolongs the life of an engine. It's less corrosive to exhausts, catalytic converters, etc, prolonging the life of your vehicle and saving money.
  • If you use recycled oil (say from your local chip shop) known as WVO, you’re actually using an unwanted waste product that might otherwise be dumped.
  • It’s proven – our neighbours in Europe have been doing it for years now.
  • It reduces exhaust fumes with no sulphur dioxide emissions.
  • It smells better than diesel.
  • It's safe to handle.

There are lots more advantages. These are just a few, but in essence it’s a green readily available fuel source.

However, don't jump the gun! Before doing anything else, examine the implications of using vegetable oil in your car.

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